The Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook is a must for any kind of writer or artist. It’s completely updated every year and makes a great present would-be writers too! It’s full of practical advice and a directory of publishing houses, magazines by topic etc. Including contact names at those establishments. A wealth of need-to-know stuff! There is also a version of this for Children’s Writers and Poets.

The Beginner’s Guide to Writing a Novel by Marina Oliver can really give a writer just starting up the kick they need! Advice from editors and agents, tips on plot, charater’s, submitting your work and more. To my knowledge Marina Oliver has published almost fifty books, most of them novels and the others are How To’s for creative writers.

A Rhyming Dictionary may be ‘taking the easy option’ to some poets but to others it is a helpful resource for getting the right words on the page. It can be a starting point or lend a hand with those unfinished poems. Sometimes, it just gets your mind ticking. Of course, not all poems rhyme, but if you want to write the kind of poem that does, buy a rhyming dictionary. The one I have myself is from Chambers and is very useful, however I am sure that there are many others out there so shop around.

Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood has to be read to be believed. Ms Atwood is a master writer and certainly one who's books will leave you with a feeling of awe. We felt that Alias Grace was the best of Ms Atwood's mountainous bibliography for upcoming writers to read. However, given her ability to write in just about any genre, you may prefer something in your own genre.

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote was once described as "this book has not dated one iota and is a must for every self respecting reader and would be writer" -  LOADED . Possibley the most accurate statement ever made in book review history!

 If you have a reading suggestion for our Food for Thought section, or a comment on one of the books listed above, please send the name of the book plus a brief review to:

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